Intermittent Fasting Timer - Free Online Fasting Period Tracker

Intermittent Fasting Timer

Track your fasting and eating windows

Select Fasting Protocol

16h fast, 8h eat


18h fast, 6h eat


20h fast, 4h eat

Fasting Benefits Timeline

12 Hours

Your body enters the fasted state. Fat burning begins.

14-16 Hours

Autophagy (cellular repair) begins to ramp up.

16-18 Hours

Fat burning increases. Ketone production rises.

18-20 Hours

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) increases significantly.

20-24 Hours

Maximum autophagy benefits. Peak fat burning.

Tips for Successful Fasting

  • Stay hydrated with water, black coffee, or unsweetened tea
  • Start with shorter fasting windows and gradually increase
  • Break your fast with easily digestible foods
  • Listen to your body and stop if you feel unwell
  • Consult your healthcare provider before starting any fasting protocol